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How to get the most out of your workout

Here are some ways to get the most out of your workout: (1) Plan and design your workout for you! This means setting rep ranges and weights that work towards your goals. Do you want to put on mass? Lift heavy. Do you want to tone? Higher reps. Make sure you plan exactly which workouts you are going to hit to target the muscle you want! (2) Dynamic stretches before your workout will make you perform much better. Stretch out your primary and secondary movers right before you go kill them! (3) Get off your phone between sets! I find myself failing into this as times, but we have to quickly recover and stay focused. Your Instagram feed can wait!...

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How to maximize your total fat loss

Exercise: 1) Will burn some extra calories and improve your metabolism. 2) Will cause some fat loss. 3) Will help maintain and build muscle. Diet: 1) Will create a calorie deficit. 2) Will cause significant fat loss. 3) Will not maintain muscle mass. Both exercise and diet: 1) Will maximize your calorie deficit. 2) Will maximize fat loss. 3) Will maximize muscle retention. Over my own weight loss journey, and through being specialized in nutrition, I've learned that losing weight isn't hard as long as you have a set of principles down! As you can tell from the information above, both diet and exercise are extremely vital to fat loss. Understanding your body type plays a huge factor in how...

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How To Enjoy The Gym:

Make your program fit your lifestyle, not vice versa. Set short term and long term goals. Workout with a friend. Track your workouts. Track your progress (bodyweight, measurements, pics). Bring headphones. Include exercises you enjoy as well as exercises that challenge you. Set it as an appointment in your calendar. Workout at the same days and times each week. Push yourself to progress in some way each workout!

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